Wednesday 27 July 2011

Report 066 How lucky we are... 26th of July 2011

Yesterday was one of those days when you really appreciate how good we have it... I left Bucklands Beach ramp, just before 7am, to what was a dream ride... at a cruise of 85 kph enjoying the surroundings, having a chance to see Auckland City lit up in the distance as I headed towards Motuihe. This is half the buzz on a jet-ski, the freedom of these fast solo runs, making for some sporting fun in a short weather window. I arrived at a well known spot near the Haystack, within 13 minutes after passing Musick Point, hell of a way to start the day with a good adrenalin kick!
First pick bait of the day was the Gulp - New Penny 6" and with a few hits on the drop, it wasn’t long before I had the first taker. Today’s mission was to get a feed and in a short time frame, so a few pannies was my goal, but only looking like a medium pan day today!
After a delay with retrieving the jig head, after the Snapper gulping the hook. Thankfully this was the first in a while and after retrieving the jig head I was back in to it. There was plenty of sign showing on the Raymarine sounder and there was not much of a drift speed to assist my casts... I could see the sea chop trying to build, but fortunately the wind was not gusting yet as forecasted. With each cast I was getting hit on the drop and missed a couple of real thumpers! The fish kept coming, but not of any great size, all just over 400 mark.
Seeing the conditions were still so settled, I nipped to the back of the Noises for some different territory.
There to was plenty of fish sign and they were still keen on the bite.
With a few fish in the bin, I did some catch and release and tried another colour at a spot I have had my eye on for some time.
Next was a distinctive hit on the driftless drop, I straight away had it picked for a John Dory! By no way a family feast, yet it was still heading home with me, after swallowing the jighead and Gulp - Pink Shine 6 " Grub, half way down its throat.
Carried on for another drop and this time got hit by a better string puller.
Finally getting the reward of a better sized Snapper, once again with my "July favourite", the 6" Gulp - Pink Shine Grub.
With a good feed in the chilly bin, I decided to head back after just 2 hours on the water... As I was heading through Rakino Channel, the birds were full on with activity.
The tempation was too much for me and I decided on one more cast to see if any Snapper were amongst them. Yes there was! Another fish, a victim to the Pink Shine, this one I was thinking was a beauty to only find it was foul hooked!
That was it, work was waiting and I had a fast ride back at 105 clicks, enjoying the Yamaha supercharged horsepower, to top off a good morning on the water.
The fish were all filleted, ski cleaned down and me ready for work just after 11am to make a start on a fit out, of another new Yamaha FX HO recently purchased at our Jetskifishing Store.
It was one of those dream days which we have with the Hauraki Gulf on our door step.
And what a few hours diference makes, as I wrote this report, I could see the Tamaki River with white caps and kite surfers enjoying the strong winds!

Cheers, Andrew

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