Tuesday 22 March 2011

Report 029 Foreign territory with great results... 9th of February 2010

This was a trip I had on my mind for the last month and with a call from Jaza (another one of our www.jetskifishing.co.nz forum members) asking if I am keen on heading out on Tuesday? I soon adjusted my schedule and said lets go a little further than his original plans of Tiri. My plans were Flat Rock, closer to the Kawau Island area, where the fishing of late has had some great reports. Jaza was riding two up on this adventure, with his mate Dave. They launched at the Half Moon Bay ramp, so we met up at Bucklands Beach, where I launched at 8.45am. Our trip was with a forecast of light winds and we were not to be disappointed, as the conditions got better as the morning went on. We took the route via the Motuihe Channel on the way out, with a heading through Rakino out wide towards Tiri.
When we arrived at Flat Rock there was already half a dozen boats fishing in the area. I decided to first have a fish at the southern end, after viewing plenty of fish sign on my Raymarine. Jaza and Dave moved a few 100 metres away, where Jaza had a try with his jigging gear, while Dave worked the soft plastics. For me it was purely a light gear day, only armed with soft bait rods on this occasion. My first tackle used, was my Daiwa Exceler rod and reel, with the 60 gram Daiwa Bayrubber/Pink Chrome slow jig, not long and it was proving a great choice. First fish was a 4 kilo Snapper from 30 metres on the slow wind up, the Bayrubber must look very attractive being retrieved in the water!

With the great start, the Bay Rubber was soon back in the water... While winding up that Snapper, I had also noticed some rat kingies following the Snapper up, so I tried a different technique. This time instead of working the slow jig, I tried retrieving my jig as fast as I could on the wind, with instant success I was on to a screamer...
I landed a rat Kingfish, which was gently released.
I then carried on my fishing with some more Snapper
I caught up with Jaza and Dave who were also doing well.
They caught plenty of good Snapper, all ranging from 8 to 10 pound.
Now was time for me to try the plastics, but with my greed, I decided to fish with the second rod at the same time, also still using a Bayrubber. The fishing was so hot I hooked up with two at once, while one was located in the “Ultimate Rod Holder”. I quickly make a decision on which one to prioritize, as both reels were screaming… an amusing video for you to watch. I continued with the one I was holding, while watching in fear of my other rod being snapped… By the time I retrieved the first fish, I had lost the second as the fish was not kept on a tight line! Was fun at the time and I was curious to know what I lost, especially after just seeing a large school of kingfish under the ski.
More good results.
I next tried the Gulp, New Penny/Swimming Shad and got smashed on the drop with a Kahawai. The water visibility was amazing, as winding in the Kahawai I could see a good 15 + kilo Kingfish following the Kahawai up…
The great fishing continued, with 11am and 1pm being the hottest bite time. With plenty of fish in the chilly bin, I headed back to Bucklands Beach, with a 35 minute return trip in time to pick up the kids from school.

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