Tuesday 22 March 2011

Report 041 The Innsie Snapper report... 15th of August 2010

 Report written by Neil Inns

Alex and I met at the new Top Catch and Jetskifishing store at Half Moon Bay by 6.40am to load up with salt ice.
We were in the water at 6.50am and left Half Moon Bay ramp with a relatively calm start. Talk about calm before the storm! We knew it was going to get lumpy, as Mark had intelligently bailed and stayed in bed... as did Eddie (another Jetskifisho that was meant to join us)
Out through Browns channel we hit a one metre swell and then Motuihe channel delivered a good 1.5m swell - similar to sitting in a washing machine with no real pattern. Made for rough, slow riding and Alex decided it was too rough, suggesting he was heading back! I convinced him we were through the worst of it (we were almost) so we carried on out to Zeno Rock. Stayed close to each other to ensure safety was paramount as Alex is still getting used to a bit of swell. Amazing how stable these skis really are… for some reason, there were no other boats out! Some fourty three minutes later we arrived at Zeno (normally a 12-15 min average trip) and found good sign on the newly installed Raymarine A50D sounder/GPS.
We set up for the excessively rolling drift. I dropped a 1.5 ounce 5/0 hook down fifteen metres with a Gulp / New Penny Grub on it. With instant results, I quickly pulled in my first fish for the day. It pulled a lot harder than it deserved to, with a measure of just on fourty centimetres.
In quick procession I landed another one - to be my biggest of the day at just over fifty centimetres and nice and fat.
Meanwhile, Alex tried his best to imitate with same weight, grub, etc... he wasn't even getting a bite! Poor chap, as he deserved a few just for making it out there! I was close to being rolled by a big freak side-on wave but managed to stay up JUST and noticed I was getting closer to some rocks! Went to have a look at them and thinking I'd try my luck casting into the wash but another BIG swell lifted up suddenly next to them and I powered away just as I saw another submerged rock appear immediately next to me!
Thank goodness for the power and ability of the skis, allowing you to move away quickly to safety. If I was in a boat I'd have hit it for sure! Decided it was time to reset the drift in a safe place, Alex followed as he saw me land another two fish in succession. The interesting point about the fishing, was the fish were hitting the baits at least a metre of the bottom on the retrieve..
Alex tried his best, but was to leave with an empty bin on this adventure. Better luck next time mate! It was nearing 9.00am and we decided with the excessive swell and building wind, it was time to get back home. Alex motored off at the quickest pace possible and headed for some island hopping shelter. I went straight down the middle and got severely smashed and full submersion several times! Motuihe channel lived up to its shocking reputation yet again. Browns was not an issue and finally hit some smoothish water coming into Bucklands. A short and eventful day on the water with fish for dinner. Yum!
Scoreline - Fish: Innsie 4 / Alex 0 Mobile: Innsie destroyed another despite being in a sealed dry bag! / Alex - retained a dry one Fuel: Innsie(Supercharged RXT) - 18 litres / Alex(Naturally Aspirated WAKE) - probably ½…
Lastly, a shot of the Raymarine A50D all mounted and working well - thanks again Andrew... an awesome unit.
That's it till next time, get out on the water!

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